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Each year we meet thousands of new residents in Coachella Valley, who come up to us at various local events and ask, what exactly is Home Watch.

Before moving down to California, we too did not know what Home Watch was.

While Home Watch is not new per said, some companies have been around now for almost 27 years! Yet, it is still incredibly informal and unrecognized.

Who needs Home Watch?

As more and more retire, many are seeking to live and maintain more than one household, whether to escape the weather, visit far-flung families, or simply for a change of pace.

Just in Coachella Valley alone, almost 73.7% of the population is seasonal, gone for an average of 7 months at a time!

Beautiful beaches, fantastic winter weather, and the opportunity to be out on the water are all reasons why so many people visit.

But, this is true of many places throughout the country, whether you love the mountains or lakes, skiing on snow or water, we all have a different dream of our ideal lifestyle. Now more and more of us have the financial means to make it a reality.

But, this is true of many places throughout the country, whether you love the mountains or lakes, skiing on snow or water, we all have a different dream of our ideal lifestyle. Now more and more of us have the financial means to make it a reality.

Why do I need Home Watch?

However, when staring up at the heavens we must always remember we still have two feet planted on the ground. A lot can go wrong in a home when you are away for long periods, water damage, property damage, pests, storms, HVAC issues.

Water and HVAC issues account for over half of all incidents in Coachella Valley. Not surprising due to the climate but concerning for other reasons.

If not discovered and treated quickly, HVAC system problems can lead to additional problems, such as mold! Water problems usually refer to leaks and stains, which can cause serious harm to your property if left unattended!

Distinct climates bring with them different dangers. With an average humidity of over 70% throughout the year and mold growth starting at 60% in Coachella Valley, HVAC problems may quickly become dangerous.

What should be checked during a Home Watch visit?

Home Watch the visual inspection of a home or property, looking for obvious issues. Each visit includes a basic check of plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems, as well as the overall condition of the home and property.

Depending on the house type, every visit by a Home Watch Professional will result in a comprehensive interior and exterior inspection of the property. The following are some of the most show the importance of a Home Watch Visit.

  • Monitor for Mold
  • Check the A/C and Condensate Line
  • Check for signs of pests
  • Visually inspecting the landscape, and pool area
  • Visually inspect the walls and ceilings for signs of water damage
  • Check for leaks, moisture, and condensation throughout the home
  • Run the water through every water source in the home
  • Check and verify the temperature and humidity in the home
  • Check any vehicle stored long-term
  • Check the mail and removing any signs of solicitation that give the appearance of a vacant home
  • Visually inspecting the circuit breaker for Power Surges and Power Outages
  • Visually inspecting the major appliances

Is Home Watch a regulated industry?

The answer is no, Home Watch as mentioned is incredibly informal and still has no regulation governing the industry. Therefore, it is imperative to do your due diligence when picking a Home Watch Company to care for your home when you are gone.

Most businesses didn’t have a website, insurance, or even a company license when the sector initially started! Any professional Home Watch Company should now have an official website, customer reviews, and a functional phone number.

When analyzing a possible Home Watch Company, be sure to ask about the following factors:

  1. Honesty Bond
  2. Certificate of Insurance
  3. Local Business License

The purpose of Home Watch Services is to make owning your second home as hassle-free as possible!