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Should I Leave My Curtains Open or Closed When Away

It goes without saying that you need to keep your home safe when you go away on holidays or leave your house for extended periods. The big question is – how to leave your curtains when away? In fact, this topic is very debatable. People can leave their curtains either open, half-open or closed.

The reality is, the vast majority of people choose to close their curtains before they leave on vacation or keep them closed at their second home when not occupied. According to their opinions, closed curtains don’t allow burglars to see if there is someone inside your house. And of course, this will deter burglars.

On the other hand, there are so many homeowners who prefer to keep their curtains open when they are away. They believe that it’s not a good idea to close curtains because your friends, relatives, neighbors, or the police can’t see what’s happening inside. It’s also important to note that closed curtains often mean that no one is at home.

Curtains – closed or open?

Clearly, the situations are different and, therefore, they require different decisions to be made. However, the choice is up to you and it largely depends on the way you choose to secure your house and time when you plan to go away. Now, let’s take a closer look at the question from the security point of view and try to come up with the answer.

You don’t need to keep your curtains closed while you are away if you prefer to use a smart home security system to protect your living environment from burglars.

Update your security systems

It’s important to know that the modern home security systems come with indoor security cameras, outdoor security cameras, and video doorbells. If you use a Home watching service, then you can rely on them to see what is happening inside your house. You as the owner can also see on your phone anytime, from whenever you want. You can call the police anytime if such a need arises.

Additionally, a professional home security system comes with motion sensors, lights, smoke detectors, water sensors, door/window sensors, smart locks and alarms. And of course, such components help homeowners increase the security of their properties dramatically.

It’s not recommended to make significant changes to your house exterior before you go on vacation.

Let’s say that you usually don’t close curtains when you stay at home. If so, you shouldn’t close the curtains when you are away as well. Keep in mind that your house may attract the attention of burglars if choose to close curtains and will not open them for several weeks.

We all know that people tend to leave their curtains closed due to hot and bright sun, especially in the Coachella Valley. Bear in mind that you shouldn’t open curtains when leaving your house if you usually prefer to keep them closed.

Is it possible to see expensive items (computers, TV, sound systems) from your window? Is there easy access from the street to peer into your house? If so, it would be better to keep curtains closed. In this case, burglars will see your valuables and they will not be tempted to get into your house.

Keeping the curtains open

People tend to keep curtains open during a day and close curtains when they leave a house. However, your house should never look unoccupied even if the property is empty. That’s the reason why you have to leave your curtains open when you go away in the morning.

On the other hand, people usually close curtains in the evening to block light at night. Also, they don’t want somebody to see them in windows at night. It’s fair to say that curtains offer more privacy to homeowners and provide them with a spacious feeling at night time. That means that you should close your curtains if you are planning to leave your house in the evening or at night. If curtains are open at night, then it’s most likely that there is nobody in a house. And of course, burglars know about this.

Ideally, you should have your curtains both open and closed. So, you can ask someone to look after your property when the house is vacant. This can be your relative, close friend, colleague, etc. The problem with asking these people is that if you have a lengthy absence, it can be a tedious task… unless you use a respectable Home watch service.

There is no doubt that this type of activity will deter burglars and stop them from doing a crime.

When you have nobody, who you can trust, then you can take advantage of professional home watching services. You need to know that home watch service is a solution for the owners of unoccupied properties.

Are you a traveler, who has to leave your property due to business or vacations? Do you get your property repaired and that’s why it’s empty now? Or, maybe, you are going to sell an unoccupied property? One way or another, you need to ask home watchers to care for your home while you are away.

If you use home watch services, you can rest assured that your house will be in the right hands and it will not look unoccupied. When using home watching service, you can ask professionals like Coachella Valley Home Watch to maintain a presence in and around your property.

Additionally, home watch specialists will do a number of inspections to ensure that your home is secure when you are away. Home watch professionals will check your house for all types of problems such as flooding, moisture problems, leaking pipes, plumbing issues, etc. Plus, professionals will check that all of doors and windows in your house are locked, refrigerators as well as heater and air conditioner function properly and so on.

On top of that, home watchers will water flowers in your house, check your mail and do removal of newsletters for you. Would you like to start your cars? No problem, home watchers can help you with that too! If any issues have been found during a home watch inspection, we’ll contact you immediately. We can handle the issue in your house if you wish.

If you would like to learn more how you can use our home watching services to keep your home safe, contact us today! We are always looking forward to helping you with any of your home watch needs!